Tuesday 17 March 2009

Why would anyone buy tickets to Michael Jackson’s latest tour?

Recently I have been bombarded with facebook updates of people who have managed to buy Jacko tickets and expressed their excitement:
“Sam is so excited about seeing Michael Jackson in July”
“Karen can’t wait to see Michael Jackson wooo!”

These people are delusional idiots. Unless they have tickets to his first show they ain’t seeing nothin’ because he will not be able to perform beyond the first 20 minutes of the first show. This is not Prince, this guy does not still have it, this guy is a frail whack job. He can barely walk, ha has not sung live for over a decade! What makes anyone believe he can pull off 50 stadium shows? I bet he mimes from his wheelchair. I just hope his nose doesn’t fall off during one of the shows. That would be really traumatic for a diehard Jackson fan. Funny to me though :)


  1. That's not a nice thing to call your Facebook Friends...

  2. if his nose fell off, that would be one hell of a badhap (http://www.badhap.com)!
