Monday 9 March 2009

Mark Dolan is a twat who sucks at hosting documentaries

If you live outside the UK, or if you live in the UK and have a life greater than mine, you probably have no idea who Mark Dolan is. For the purpose of this blog, all you need to know is he’s a fuckin’ twat.

He hosts (badly) these documentaries about him and world record breaking people. For example, ‘World’s Strongest Man and Me’, ‘World’s Fattest Pet and Me’, ‘World’s Shortest Man and Me’ and he SUCKS ASS! The guy started out as a comedian, so he tries to do serious with humour. But he just comes across as stupid, insincere and a twat.

What I hate most about this guy in these documentaries is that he’s always asking to touch, or pick up his subjects. For instance he lifted the world’s tiniest man up to his shoulders and says “this is what it looks like from my point of view”. Firstly Mark you twat, this tiny man doesn’t understand English, secondly he is a man, why are you talking to him like he’s 4 years old? Thirdly put him down before you drop him. Mark likes to drop things. In the heaviest pet episode he picks up a giant rabbit and loses grip. Thankfully for the owner he gained his grip by wedging the rabbit between himself and the bench. Then, in the same episode he asks an owner of a really fat dog whether he can try to lift the dog. Why would anyone want to live a fat dog? Did he not learn his lesson with the rabbit? It looked like he was trying to mount the poor fat dog.

Finally, when he meets one of the world’s strong men he asks to touch his abs. Weirdo. Mark, stop touching everything! It’s really creepy. I’m not even going to touch the ‘World’s Biggest Boobs and Me’ episode. Twat.


  1. Haha, well said.

    Amazing where you end up when you google your thoughts.


  2. Couldn't agree more. Toe-curlingly patronising and badly executed.
    I actually thought his show was a spoof the first time I (accidentally) encountered it whilst channel hopping during a commercial break.

  3. what the first commenter said!!

  4. Well its funny how he's still on television and your most likely some lazy fool who sits around moaning and then posts it on his little online blog for a couple of people to see..

    *claps* Well done..

  5. This fucking dogsdick is ranting about CO2 as well. Stupid bastard doesn't once mention the fucking oceans. Tree-hugging knob jockeys like Dolan need to choke on their own vomit

  6. he is soo bad. he humiliates the people he is interviewing, and asks these stupid questions you come up with when you're just trying (badly) to make conversation.

    it's like a boring guy would do it himself, except that would be funny because he kinda does it with a wink, and understands that he is not funny. dolan is the opposite of funny.

  7. Dolan is well funny and a good presenter!!!! Keep up the good work Dolan!

  8. Mark Dolan is a brilliant presenter. What do you do? Oh right, bugger all lol

  9. you need to calm down you crazy fool!

  10. I love Mark Dolan! he's a great presenter, i think he handles situations very well and does a good job at entertaining.

    so you need to calm down and get a life, you obviously have far to much time if you can watch most of his episodes and write an essay about how much you hate him! HAHAHAHAH!


  11. Can you smell that... it smells like jealousy!

    OH, wait it is... funny that!


  13. How fucking nausiating all these people predictably making out thAT the person who wrote this blog is jealous. Yawn!! I too think he is a c**t. I am not even remotely jealous of him. I have been watching his documentaries (if you can call them that) admittedly I am hooked to the subject matter. I think to say his presentational skills are like Louise Therous are an insult to Louis who is, in my opinion a lit more sincere. Dolan is smug, snearing patronising and down right nasty. a lot of the people he interviews are down to earth good people but he still manages to see the bad side. Not a good quality!! ps sorry about the drunk

  14. I was really surprised he wasn't the star of the worlds most perfect C***.

    Mark Dolan has to be the most stupidiest shallow moron I have ever seen host...'what he refers to' as a documentary. Though I would give him a point if he managed to get that far with no formal education...which I think is probably the case.

  15. The worlds biggest dick...a doco starring Mark Dolan :)

  16. it's important for people to highlight dead-cell shit like dolan in order for you to start to comprehend how truly wank he is.

  17. Mark Dolan is the least charismatic person i have ever seen. he's a tactless, cringy, unfunny twat.

    It's fucking unbelievable he's still on tv considering his disgraceful yet consistant output of terrible, terrible, worthless, soul destroying programs.

    He has a similar style of shit, distant and strained show hosting as Alexander Armstrong (just check out BBC 2's 'Pointless').

    But yeah, Mark Dolan......What a twat.

  18. Nice post, he has no charisma or personality. Just did a quick search to see if anyone shared my thoughts.

  19. Why are you so hateful? Are you so flawless? It seems to me you sir are
    very narrowminded.
